In a survey of 144 pet owners, 31 said they own a dog, and 91 said they own a cat. 14 said they own both a dog and a cat. How many owned neither a cat nor a dog?


To find the number of people who owned neither a cat nor a dog, we first need to determine the number of people who owned either a cat, a dog, or both.

Let's break down the given information:
- Number of people who own a dog: 31
- Number of people who own a cat: 91
- Number of people who own both a dog and a cat: 14

To find the number of people who own either a cat, a dog, or both, we can add the number of people who own a dog (31) and the number of people who own a cat (91). However, we would be counting those who own both a dog and a cat twice, so we need to subtract the number of people who own both from the total.

Total = (Number of people who own a dog) + (Number of people who own a cat) - (Number of people who own both)
Total = 31 + 91 - 14
Total = 122

Now that we know the total number of people who own either a cat, a dog, or both, we can subtract this from the total number of pet owners in the survey (144) to find the number of people who owned neither a cat nor a dog.

Number of people who owned neither = Total number of pet owners - Total number of people who own either a cat, a dog, or both
Number of people who owned neither = 144 - 122
Number of people who owned neither = 22

Therefore, 22 pet owners in the survey owned neither a cat nor a dog.