Duane feel he d too many years in inactivity, so now he welcomes the of a exercise program.

You put this under English but I cannot understand the sentence.

It seems like some text is missing in your question, but I can still try to help you understand the main context.

From what I understand, Duane feels that he has spent too many years being inactive. Now, he is eager to start an exercise program. It's great that he wants to take this step towards improving his fitness and overall health.

To create an exercise program, Duane can follow these steps:

1. Assess his current fitness level: Duane should evaluate his current fitness level to determine what types of exercises he can comfortably perform. This can include activities such as jogging, walking, swimming, or cycling. It's essential to start at a level appropriate for his fitness level to avoid injuries.

2. Set specific goals: Duane should identify what he wants to achieve through his exercise program. It could be weight loss, strength gain, increased endurance, or overall improved fitness. Setting specific goals will help him stay motivated and focused.

3. Plan the exercises: Duane can choose a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups and improve cardiovascular fitness. It's recommended to include a mix of aerobic exercises (like running or swimming), strength training (such as weightlifting or resistance exercises), and flexibility exercises (such as yoga or stretching).

4. Create a workout schedule: Duane should decide on the frequency and duration of his exercise sessions. It's advisable to start with moderate-intensity workouts three to five times per week, gradually increasing the intensity and duration over time. It's also essential to include rest days to allow the body to recover.

5. Get the necessary equipment: Depending on the exercises Duane chooses, he may need certain equipment like running shoes, dumbbells, or exercise bands. It's essential to have the right gear to ensure safety and effectiveness during workouts.

6. Start slowly and progress gradually: Duane should begin his exercise program at a comfortable level and gradually increase the intensity and duration as he becomes more fit. Trying to do too much too soon can lead to injury or burnout.

7. Stay consistent and motivated: Consistency is key to seeing progress. Duane should strive to stick to his workout schedule and find ways to stay motivated, such as setting rewards for achieving specific milestones or finding a workout partner for accountability.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified personal trainer before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. They can provide personalized advice and ensure that Duane is exercising safely and effectively.