Country Upper B has a population of approximately 276.5 million people and a total land area of about 3150.4 thousand square miles. What is the population density of Country Upper B?

Round your answer to the nearest person.
I know you need to divide population over area but confused on how to write out the million and thousand? Help Please

a million is a thousand thousand

(276.5 / 3150.4) thousand per mi^2

I'm sorry I still get a wrong answer of 0.08 per mi^2

Scott gave you an answer. How do you get yours?

3.5 million square miles and the population of 700 million people

To calculate the population density of Country Upper B, you need to divide the population by the land area. Let's first convert the population of 276.5 million people from million to regular numbers.

Since the term million means "one thousand thousands," you can simply multiply 276.5 million by 1,000,000 to get the exact population count. So, 276.5 million people can be written as 276,500,000 people.

Now, let's convert the land area of 3150.4 thousand square miles to regular numbers. Like before, the term thousand means "one thousand." So, you can multiply 3150.4 thousand by 1,000 to get the exact land area. This gives us 3,150,400 square miles.

Now that we have the population as 276,500,000 people and the land area as 3,150,400 square miles, we can calculate the population density:

Population Density = Population / Land Area

Population Density = 276,500,000 / 3,150,400

Dividing these two numbers will give you the population density of Country Upper B. Remember to round your answer to the nearest person, as mentioned in the instructions.