If a grocery store, apples are sold in two different ways . you can buy individual apples for $0.75 each or you can buy 5 apples for $ 3.25. If you were buying 10 apples, which way would you purchase apples to get the better deal? Explain how you know.

10 * 0.75 = ?

3.25 * 2 = ?


To determine which way gives you a better deal when buying 10 apples, we need to compare the cost per apple for each option.

Option 1: Buying individual apples for $0.75 each.
The total cost of 10 individual apples can be calculated as: 10 x $0.75 = $7.50.

Option 2: Buying 5 apples for $3.25.
To calculate the cost per apple in this option, we divide the total cost by the number of apples: $3.25 / 5 = $0.65 per apple.
Therefore, the cost of 10 apples in this option can be calculated as: 2 x $3.25 = $6.50.

Comparing the two options:
- Option 1 (individual apples) costs $7.50 for 10 apples.
- Option 2 (5 apples) costs $6.50 for 10 apples.

From the calculations, we can see that Option 2 gives you a better deal as it costs $6.50 for 10 apples, while Option 1 costs $7.50 for the same quantity. Thus, buying 10 apples by purchasing 5 apples at a time is the more cost-effective choice.