North America Foods - Exported to

Chilles---------------South Asia
Sweet potatoes------- China
Corn -----------------China, Africa

Based on the chart and what you know of the Columbian Exchange, which statement best explains why people in West Africa eat manioc?

A. Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.
B. Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans.
C. Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.
D. Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa.

I'm in between C, and B. Europeans wouldn't introduce manioc to West Africa; but I'm a little bit iffy about D.
Am I right or wrong? Help is appreciated!!

Portuguese owned Brazil. Brazil had manioc. Portuguese took it to Africa. A

Based on the provided chart, the statement that best explains why people in West Africa eat manioc is option C - Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.

To arrive at this conclusion, let's analyze the chart and the options:

Chilles: Exported to South Asia - No connection to manioc.

Sweet potatoes: Exported to China - No connection to manioc.

Corn: Exported to China and Africa - No direct mention of manioc.

Manioc: Exported to Africa - Manioc is specifically mentioned as being exported to Africa. This implies that manioc is already present in Africa and is being exported.

Tomatoes: Exported to Europe - No connection to manioc.

Given this information, option A can be ruled out since it suggests that Europeans introduced manioc to Africa, which is not supported by the chart.

Option B can also be ruled out as there is no mention of Early Native Americans establishing trade routes with West Africans specifically for manioc.

Option D is not supported by any information from the chart. It suggests that Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa, but there is no evidence of this in the chart.

Therefore, the most logical answer is option C, as it is supported by the information provided. Manioc is native to West Africa and is already a traditional part of local diets.