The morning temperature in Fargo, North Dakota is -28 degrees F. In the afternoon the temperature is 19 degrees F and at night the temperature is 2 degrees F.

What is your question?

To get the answer, we need to find the difference between the temperatures.

To find the difference between two temperatures, we subtract the lower temperature from the higher temperature. In this case, we have:

Afternoon temperature: 19 degrees F
Morning temperature: -28 degrees F

To find the difference between these temperatures, we subtract the morning temperature from the afternoon temperature:

19 degrees F - (-28 degrees F)

To subtract a negative number, we can rewrite it as its positive counterpart:

19 degrees F + 28 degrees F

Now we can add the two temperatures:

19 degrees F + 28 degrees F = 47 degrees F

So, the difference in temperature between the morning and afternoon in Fargo, North Dakota is 47 degrees Fahrenheit.