The normal temperature of the human body is 37Celsius. a baby temperature is 98farenheit. DOes the baby a fever? Why?

Does the baby have feever ?

no "fever"

37°C = 98.6°F

To determine if the baby has a fever, we need to convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and compare it to the normal body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

To convert 98 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, we can use the formula:

°C = (°F - 32) / 1.8

Let's plug in the value:

°C = (98 - 32) / 1.8
°C = 66 / 1.8
°C ≈ 36.67

After converting, we see that the baby's temperature is approximately 36.67 degrees Celsius, which is below the normal body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, based on the converted temperature, the baby does not have a fever.