Rajendra has 14 4/5 pounds of trail mix. He is putting them into bags that hold 1 1/2 pounds each. Does he have enough trail mix to completely full 8 bags? Explain why or why not.

A quick way would be to multiply

1 1/2 times 8 which would give you 12 lbs. So..all you need is 12 lbs and you have 14 4/5. you have enough.

pov your cheating on a test

I don't have it on my test, but on my homework. I need help on this exact question, with different names

So 12 would be the answer

it's not cheating it's helping your mind grow


To determine if Rajendra has enough trail mix to completely fill 8 bags, we need to consider the total weight of the trail mix and the capacity of each bag.

First, let's convert the mixed number of Rajendra's trail mix to an improper fraction:

14 4/5 pounds = (14 * 5 + 4)/5 = 74/5 pounds

Next, let's convert the capacity of each bag to an improper fraction:

1 1/2 pounds = (1 * 2 + 1)/2 = 3/2 pounds

Now, we can find out how many bags Rajendra can fill by dividing the total weight of the trail mix by the capacity of each bag:

74/5 pounds ÷ 3/2 pounds/bag

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. So, we have:

74/5 pounds × 2/3 pounds/bag

Simplifying, we get:

(74 × 2)/(5 × 3) = 148/15

Therefore, Rajendra has enough trail mix to fill 9 bags completely.

To summarize, Rajendra has 14 4/5 pounds of trail mix, which is equivalent to 74/5 pounds. Each bag can hold 1 1/2 pounds, equivalent to 3/2 pounds. By dividing the total weight of the trail mix by the bag capacity, we find that Rajendra can fill 9 bags completely, which means he has enough trail mix for 8 bags.

You have 12 pounds of trail mix

thank you
