Can anyone write a short paragraph explaining how things are similar and/or different between the U.S. states that border Mexico?

I'm sure you can, after a little research.

California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are the states that border Mexico. There are many immigrants living in these states that came from Mexico. These areas were part of the Vice royalty of New Spain. The difference is that Texas was not influenced by the Spanish American culture compared to the others.

Certainly! To write a short paragraph comparing and contrasting the U.S. states that border Mexico, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the states: The four U.S. states that share a border with Mexico are California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.

2. Find similarities: Start by researching commonalities between these states. For example, they all experience unique cultural influences due to their proximity to Mexico, resulting in a rich blend of traditions, food, and languages. Another similarity is the economic significance of cross-border trade, with each state benefiting from commerce, tourism, and employment opportunities stemming from their connection to Mexico.

3. Highlight differences: Now, focus on the distinctions among these states. For instance, climate patterns vary greatly from the arid deserts of Arizona and New Mexico to the Mediterranean climate of California, and the diverse terrain of Texas. Additionally, each state has its own immigration policies, law enforcement strategies, and political dynamics that shape their approach to managing the border.

4. Present your paragraph: Combine the similarities and differences you've identified to form a concise paragraph. Here's an example to get you started:

"The U.S. states bordering Mexico, including California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, share several similarities while also exhibiting notable differences. These states boast a vibrant cultural exchange, influenced by Mexican traditions, food, and languages. They all play a critical role in cross-border trade, contributing to their respective economies. However, the states differ in terms of climate, ranging from arid deserts to Mediterranean climates, and exhibit unique terrain characteristics. Furthermore, each state has distinct approaches to immigration policies, law enforcement strategies, and political dynamics, impacting their management of the shared border."

Remember, this is just a starting point, and you can expand and customize the paragraph as needed!