draw a flowchart and write the algorithm for printing the first 10 even numbers

To print the first 10 even numbers, you can use the following algorithm:

1. Start
2. Set a counter variable, "num," to 1
3. Set another counter variable, "count," to 0
4. Start a loop that will continue until "count" reaches 10
5. Check if the value of "num" is an even number
6. If "num" is even, print the value of "num" and increment the value of "count" by 1
7. Increment the value of "num" by 1
8. Repeat steps 5-7 until "count" reaches 10
9. End

Here is a flowchart representation of the algorithm:

| |
| Initialize |
| num = 1 |
| count = 0 |
| |
| |
| While count < 10 |
| |
| |
| if num is even |
| |
| |
| Print num |
| |
| |
| Increment |
| count by 1 |
| |
| |
| Increment |
| num by 1 |
| |
| |
| repeat steps |
| 5-8 |
| |
| |
| End |
| |


To draw a flowchart and write an algorithm for printing the first 10 even numbers, you can follow these steps:

1. Start: Begin the flowchart.
2. Initialize a counter variable (i.e., `num`) to zero.
3. Set the iterator (`i`) variable to zero.
4. Check if `num` is less than or equal to 20.
- If true, go to step 5.
- If false, go to step 8.
5. Check if `i` is less than 10.
- If true, go to step 6.
- If false, go to step 8.
6. Increment `num` by 2 (since it is an even number).
7. Print the value of `num`.
8. End: Terminate the flowchart.

1. Initialize the counter variable `num` to zero.
2. Initialize the iterator variable `i` to zero.
3. While `num` is less than or equal to 20, repeat steps 4-8.
4. While `i` is less than 10, repeat steps 5-7.
5. Increment `num` by 2.
6. Print the value of `num`.
7. Increment `i` by 1.
8. End the algorithm.

Note: In the flowchart and algorithm, we iterate until `num` is less than or equal to 20 so that we ensure we print the first 10 even numbers only. If you want to print the even numbers up to a different limit, you can change the condition accordingly.

I will write a simple qbasic program (u make algorithm yourself)

for I =2to 20 step 2
Print I

Next I
