
characters' motives
characters' traits
external conflict
falling action
internal conflict
point of view
rising action
short story

What Do the mean

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These terms refer to various elements and devices commonly found in literature, particularly in narratives such as short stories. Here is a brief explanation of each term:

1. Characterization: The process by which an author reveals the personality, traits, and motivations of a character.

2. Characters: Individuals involved in the story, who play different roles and interact with one another. They can be fictional or based on real people.

3. Characters' motives: The reasons behind a character's actions, which provide insight into their behavior and decisions.

4. Characters' traits: The qualities and characteristics that define a character's personality, appearance, and behavior.

5. Climax: The turning point or most intense part of the story, where conflicts come to a head and the outcome is determined.

6. Conflict: The struggle or problem that drives the story. It can be between characters, within a character (internal), or between a character and an outside force (external).

7. Exposition: The beginning of the story that introduces the setting, characters, and background information necessary to understand the narrative.

8. External conflict: Conflict that arises between a character and an outside force, such as another character, nature, society, or a supernatural entity.

9. Falling action: The portion of the story after the climax, where the intensity decreases, conflicts are resolved, and the story begins to wrap up.

10. Internal conflict: Conflict that occurs within a character's mind, involving their thoughts, emotions, or decisions.

11. Mood: The emotional atmosphere or feeling created by a literary work, which influences the reader's emotional response.

12. Plot: The sequence of events that make up a story. It includes the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

13. Point of view: The perspective from which a story is told. It can be first person (narrator speaks as "I"), second person (narrator speaks as "you"), or third person (narrator speaks as "he," "she," or "they").

14. Resolution: The conclusion of the story, where loose ends are tied up, conflicts are resolved, and the outcome is revealed.

15. Rising action: The part of the story where the conflict and tension build, leading up to the climax.

16. Setting: The time, place, and physical environment in which the story takes place.

17. Short story: A brief work of fiction that typically focuses on a single character, event, or theme and has a concise, self-contained narrative structure.

18. Theme: The main idea or underlying message of a story, often relating to human nature, society, or life in general.

To fully understand each term and how they function in a story, it is recommended to read literary works, analyze them, and discuss them with others.