Alba Tross had an annual salary of $50,000. She received a 5 percent pay cut one year followed by a 5 percent pay raise the next.

a. What is Alba’s final salary?
Would it be 50,000 - 5% + 5% =49.875
b. What is Alba’s final salary less than her original salary? Not sure at all about this one!

a. correct

b. the final salary is less because after the 5% cut ($2500), a 5% raise is less than $2500, since the base salary amount is now less.

Use linear calculator

Let's break down the problem step by step to find the answer.

a. To calculate Alba's final salary, we need to apply the pay cuts and raises.

First, we calculate the 5% pay cut on her original salary of $50,000. We can do this by multiplying $50,000 by 0.05, which equals $2,500.

Next, we subtract the pay cut from her original salary: $50,000 - $2,500 = $47,500.

Now, we need to apply the 5% pay raise on the reduced salary of $47,500. We can do this by multiplying $47,500 by 0.05, which equals $2,375.

Finally, we add the pay raise to the reduced salary: $47,500 + $2,375 = $49,875.

Therefore, Alba's final salary is $49,875.

b. To find out how much Alba's final salary is less than her original salary, we subtract her final salary from her original salary.

Original salary - Final salary = $50,000 - $49,875 = $125.

Therefore, Alba's final salary is $125 less than her original salary.