Orange juice concentrate is mixed with water in the ratio 1 pary concentrate to 5 parts water.How many parts orange juice are needed for 25 parts of water?

1/5 = x/25

x = 5

To find out how many parts of orange juice are needed for 25 parts of water, we need to refer to the given ratio:

1 part concentrate to 5 parts water.

We can set up a proportion to solve this. Let "x" represent the unknown number of parts of concentrate needed. The proportion can be set up as:

1/5 = x/25

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

5 * x = 1 * 25

5x = 25

Now, we can solve for "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 5

Therefore, 5 parts of orange juice concentrate are needed for 25 parts of water.