Mars, on average, is 140 million miles from the Sun. 1 mi = 1609 m .

Part #1:
Express the distance between Mars and the Sun in meters using powers of 10.
Express your answer using two significant figures.

Answer: d =2.25×10^11 m

Part #2:
Express the distance between Mars and the Sun in meters with a meter prefix (km).
Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.

Answer: d=_______

d=2.25*10^8 km


Part #1:

To convert 140 million miles to meters, we need to multiply it by the conversion factor of 1609 meters per mile.

140 million miles * 1609 meters/mile = 2.2536 × 10^11 meters.

Since we are asked to express the answer using two significant figures, we can round the answer to 2.25 × 10^11 meters.

Answer: d = 2.25×10^11 m

Part #2:

To express the distance between Mars and the Sun in meters with a meter prefix (km), we divide the distance by 1000, as there are 1000 meters in 1 kilometer.

2.25 × 10^11 meters / 1000 = 2.25 × 10^8 kilometers.

Since we are asked to express the answer to two significant figures, the final answer is:

Answer: d = 2.25 × 10^8 km

Part #1:

To express the distance between Mars and the Sun in meters using powers of 10, we can start by converting the given distance from miles to meters.

Given: 1 mi = 1609 m

Therefore, the distance is:

140 million miles * 1609 m/mi = 225,760,000,000 m

To express this number in scientific notation (with powers of 10), we can write it as:

2.2576 × 10^11 m

Since we need the answer to two significant figures, we can round it to:

2.26 × 10^11 m

So, the answer for Part #1 is:

d = 2.26 × 10^11 m

Part #2:

To express the distance between Mars and the Sun in meters with a meter prefix (km), we can divide the distance in meters by 1000 to convert it to kilometers.

The distance in meters is: 2.26 × 10^11 m

Dividing this by 1000 gives us: 2.26 × 10^11 m / 1000 = 2.26 × 10^8 km

Since we need the answer to two significant figures, we can round it to: 2.3 × 10^8 km

So, the answer for Part #2 is:

d = 2.3 × 10^8 km