


maybe take ln of top and bottom

(1+2 lnx)
2 lnx

1 + 1/(2 lnx)

1 + 1/lnx^2

e^(1+2lnx) = e^1 * e^2lnx

= e * (e^lnx)^2
= e * x^2

That should help some

Tsk Tsk, Damon

ok so ex^2

----- = e

Thank you

To simplify the expression (e^(1+2lnx))/x^2, we can start by using the properties of logarithms and exponentials.

Step 1: Recall that ln(x) is the natural logarithm of x, which is the logarithm to the base e. Also, note that the exponential function e^x is the inverse of the natural logarithm.

Step 2: We can rewrite 2ln(x) as ln(x^2) using the property that ln(a^b) = b * ln(a).

So, e^(1+2lnx) = e^1 * e^(2lnx) = e * e^(ln(x^2)).

Step 3: Using the property that e^(ln(a)) = a, we can simplify e^(ln(x^2)) as x^2.

So, e^(1+2lnx) = e * e^(ln(x^2)) = ex^2.

Step 4: Combining this result with the denominator x^2, we get the simplified expression:

ex^2 / x^2.

Finally, we can simplify further:

ex^2 / x^2 = e * (x^2 / x^2) = e.