How do you collate survey results in a spreadsheet, in order to make graphs afterwards?

How do you collate:
Open-ended questions
Close-ended questions
Multi-answer questions

To collate survey results in a spreadsheet, you can follow these steps:

1. Set up a spreadsheet: Open a new or existing spreadsheet using a program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Create a new worksheet or tab which you will use to input the survey responses.

2. Create column headers: Use the first row to set up column headers that correspond to each question in your survey. For example, if you have a survey question asking for respondents' age, you would label the column as "Age."

3. Enter the responses: Starting from the second row, input the survey responses into the appropriate columns, placing each response in a new cell. Enter one response per cell, following the same order as the questions in the column headers. Make sure to keep the answers consistent with the provided options for close-ended questions.

4. Organize open-ended questions: For open-ended questions, where respondents can provide their own answers, you can dedicate a separate column to store their responses. Label this column with a clear header related to the open-ended question.

5. Format the data: Apply formatting to make the data easy to read and analyze. You can format cells as text, numbers, or dates, depending on the response type. Also, consider using conditional formatting to visually highlight specific patterns or values.

Now, to make graphs from the collated survey results:

6. Select the data range: Choose the range of data you want to include in your graphs. This can be a single column or multiple columns of data, depending on the type of graph you want to create.

7. Insert the graph: Find the "Insert" or "Chart" option in your spreadsheet program and select the type of graph you would like to create, such as bar, pie, or line graph. Choose the appropriate chart based on the survey question and data you want to visualize.

8. Customize the graph: Modify the graph to meet your preferences and needs. You can change the title, axis labels, colors, and other formatting options to make the graph more visually appealing and easier to understand.

9. Analyze the graph: Use the generated graph to analyze the survey results visually. Look for trends, patterns, and insights that can help you draw conclusions or make informed decisions based on the survey responses.

Repeat steps 6-9 for each survey question you want to graph, adjusting the data range and customization options accordingly.

Remember, collating survey results and creating graphs can vary depending on the spreadsheet program you use, but the basic principles remain the same.