if the temperature starts at 0°f and drops 2 degrees an hour, how many hours would it take it to reach -8 °f? write a number sentence and solve.

Can you please help me Mrs. Sue

If I gave you $2 each hour, how long would it take for you to have $8?

Same problem, but using positive numbers.

4 hours am I right

Do I divide



To determine how many hours it would take for the temperature to reach -8 °F, we can set up a number sentence based on the given information.

Number sentence: 0°F - 2°F/hour × h = -8°F

Here, "h" represents the number of hours it would take for the temperature to reach -8°F.

Now, let's solve the equation step by step:

0 - 2h = -8

Add 2h to both sides:

2h = 8

Divide both sides by 2:

h = 4

Therefore, it would take 4 hours for the temperature to drop from 0°F to -8°F.

So, the answer is: It would take 4 hours to reach -8°F.