Select the most accurate APA-style reference: (Points : 1)

Hutchings, V. L., Walton, J. H., & Benjamin, A. (2010). The impact of explicit racial cues on gender differences in support for confederate symbols and partisanship. Journal of Politics, 72(4), 1175-1188. doi:10.1017/S0022381610000605

Mitchell, L. (2009). Georgia's Story: Competing Narratives Since the War. Survival,
51(4), 87. doi:10.1080/00396330903168857

Answer b


Actually, I may be missing something. Both look correct to me.

I think "b" is correct because I think these words are probably in italics, but didn't survive the copy/paste:

Journal of Politics
Georgia's Story: Competing Narratives Since the War. Survival

... and this title should be in quotation marks (which are noticeably absent above!):
"The impact of explicit racial cues on gender differences in support for confederate symbols and partisanship."

Writeacher is correct. It's very hard to tell here. Italics for the title of the publication (book, journal, etc.) do not show up here. And, in A above, I can't tell whether there is a chapter or article within the book that is called "Survival" or whether that is part of the title of the book.

I also must note that APA guidelines indicate that the on-line address should be complete, beginning with http:. The "doi" number is not a complete web address, so in that way both A and B are incorrect.

The most accurate APA-style reference is Option B:

Mitchell, L. (2009). Georgia's Story: Competing Narratives Since the War. Survival, 51(4), 87. doi:10.1080/00396330903168857.

To determine this, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the author's last name, followed by their initials. In this case, the author is Mitchell, L.

2. Next, include the publication year in parentheses. In this case, it is (2009).

3. Provide the full title of the article or book in sentence case (with only the first word and proper nouns capitalized). The title of the article is "Georgia's Story: Competing Narratives Since the War."

4. Specify the name of the publication in italics. The journal in which the article was published is Survival.

5. Include the volume number in italics, followed by the issue number in parentheses. For this article, the volume number is 51, and the issue number is (4).

6. Include the page numbers of the article, separated by a hyphen. The article starts on page 87.

7. Add the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number if available. In this case, the DOI is doi:10.1080/00396330903168857.

By following these guidelines, Option B is the most accurate APA-style reference.