A graph of experimental data is a straight line when ln[H2] is plotted versus time. Which rate law fits the data?

A. Rate = k(ln[H'small2'])
B. Rate = k/[H'small2']
C. Rate = k[H'small'2]
D. Rate = k[H'small'2]^2

It’s C

To determine which rate law fits the data, we need to analyze the graph of experimental data where ln[H2] is plotted against time. The rate law equation relates the rate of a reaction to the concentrations of the reactants.

In this case, we are given that the graph of ln[H2] versus time is a straight line. The equation for a straight line is of the form y = mx + b, where y represents ln[H2], m represents the slope, x represents time, and b represents the y-intercept.

Let's analyze the options to determine which one matches the form of the equation for a straight line:

A. Rate = k(ln[H2])
This equation does not match the form of a straight line equation. It has a linear relationship between rate and ln[H2], but it does not explain why the graph would be a straight line.

B. Rate = k/[H2]
This equation does not match the form of a straight line equation. In a straight line equation, ln[H2] is the dependent variable, not the reciprocal of [H2].

C. Rate = k[H2]
This equation does not match the form of a straight line equation. It is a simple proportional relationship between rate and [H2], but it does not explain why the graph would be a straight line.

D. Rate = k[H2]^2
This equation does not match the form of a straight line equation. It represents a second-order reaction, but it does not explain why the graph would be a straight line.

None of the given options match the behavior of a straight line for ln[H2] plotted against time. Therefore, none of the provided rate laws fit the data. It is possible that the actual rate law equation differs from the options provided.

To determine the rate law that fits the data, further analysis and experimentation may be required.