which of Georgia's physiographic regions borders the Atlantic ocean?

blue ridge
coastal plain
valley and ridge

Your answer is?

coastal plain


The physiographic region in Georgia that borders the Atlantic Ocean is the Coastal Plain. To determine this, you can look at a map of Georgia or use online resources that provide information about the state's geography.

If you have a map of Georgia, you can visually identify the physiographic regions and find the one that lies along the coast. The Coastal Plain is located in the southeastern part of the state and stretches along the Atlantic coastline.

On the other hand, if you prefer to use online resources, you can search for "physiographic regions of Georgia" or "Georgia geography" to find websites that provide information about Georgia's various regions. These resources will typically have maps and descriptions of each physiographic region, helping you identify the one that borders the Atlantic Ocean, which is the Coastal Plain in this case.