what kind of fallacy is "Gold's book doesn't deserve a Pulitzer Prize. She has been married four years."

Okay, this site should help you with that one too.


Based on your question, the fallacy being committed in the statement "Gold's book doesn't deserve a Pulitzer Prize. She has been married four years" is called the ad hominem fallacy.

To understand this fallacy, you can visit the website you provided (http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/). On this website, you will find an extensive list of common fallacies, including the ad hominem fallacy.

Once you're on the website, you can navigate to the section that explains the ad hominem fallacy. There, you will find a detailed explanation of what the fallacy entails, why it is considered a fallacy, and examples of how it can be used in arguments.

By referring to this resource, you'll be able to not only identify the name of the fallacy in question but also gain a deeper understanding of why it is considered invalid reasoning.