If you ride a bike for 75 minutes and goes a distance of 15.4 miles how many mph did you go!

75 min = 1.25 hours, so

15.4mi/1.25hr = 12.32 mi/hr

To calculate the mph (miles per hour) at which you rode your bike, you need to divide the total distance traveled (in miles) by the total time taken (in hours).

In this case, you rode a bike for 75 minutes, which is equivalent to 75/60 = 1.25 hours (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).

Therefore, to find your mph, you divide the distance of 15.4 miles by the time of 1.25 hours:

mph = distance (miles) / time (hours)
mph = 15.4 miles / 1.25 hours

Calculating this equation gives us:

mph ≈ 12.32

So, you traveled at approximately 12.32 mph.