ratus a des gouts bizarres. Au bazar de la ville, il choisit un pantalon
rose, une chemise a pois et des bottes
en lezard! Il enfile les vetements et
les bottes.

what does mean in English?

Au bazar de la ville,- at the village market/bazar

il choisit un pantalon rose - he chose pink pants

une chemise a pois-a polka dot blouse

et des bottes-and some boots

en lezard! - not sure what lezard means, je suis desolee.

oops sorry, chemise is shirt, not blouse

Multiple Post. I answered this in your later post, which I saw first. Good job, Kate. Il choisit is he chooses (Present Tense) rather than chose and lézard is almost a cognate = lizard.

Sra (aka Mme)

In English, the given text translates to:

Ratus has bizarre tastes. At the city's bazaar, he chooses pink pants, a polka dot shirt, and lizard boots! He puts on the clothes and boots.