why did the british think their military forces were superior to those of the americans?

To which time period or war are you referring?


The British had an old style of fighting. They fought traditionally in battle lines. The british thought that their style of fighting was the way to go and anything different was lowly. The Americans had cruddy uniforms and fought "gourilla" style. This means that they hid behind trees and walked through swamps.

Ahh, Revolutionary War?

... and guerilla warfare?

Yes, I was referring to the Revolutionary War between Britain and the American colonies. During this time, the British military forces believed they were superior to the Americans for several reasons:

1. Experience: The British had a long-established military tradition with a well-disciplined army and navy. They had a history of successful military campaigns throughout Europe and their colonies, which gave them a sense of confidence and superiority.

2. Numbers and resources: The British had a larger and more professional military force compared to the relatively smaller and disparate American militias. They had a well-equipped army and navy, with access to resources and funding from a powerful empire.

3. Training and tactics: The British military followed traditional European warfare tactics, focusing on disciplined formations and battle lines. They had strict training regimens and a hierarchical command structure, which they believed made them more effective on the battlefield.

4. Perception of American fighters: The British viewed the American militias as lacking in discipline, proper uniforms, and formal military training. The American forces often utilized guerrilla tactics, such as hit-and-run raids, ambushes, and fighting from behind cover, which the British saw as unconventional and inferior to their own methods.

However, it's worth mentioning that the British ultimately underestimated the determination and resourcefulness of the American colonies. The Americans adapted to the circumstances of the war, utilizing their knowledge of the local terrain, engaging in hit-and-run tactics, and receiving support from France and other European powers, which eventually led to their success in gaining independence.