Create a visually engaging and suggestive image devoid of any text. Illustrate a scenario corresponding to each question: 1. A girl forgetting her tennis shoes at a gym. 2. A mesmerizing sports player everyone loves to watch perform. 3. A group of people waiting eagerly in line at a theatre. 4. Two individuals, one named Gabriel, busily engaged in repairing an vintage car. Each image should be relating to the context of the corresponding question but should not illustrate or give any hints towards the correct answer.

Choose the word that best completes the sentences.

One of the girls left _____ tennis shoes in the gym

a. her
b. hers
c. their
d. them
I think its it A but it could also be c

the best player to watch is ______

a. she
b. her
c. him
d. me
this one confuses me because it could be all of them except a

the first in line at the theater were _____

a. we
b. them
c. us
d. she and him

I think it is c

Gabriel and _____ are repairing my father's car

a. he
b. him
c. me
d. us
is it b?

please help



mike number 9 on this pracitice is he not him so the real awnsers are


The issue with mike the acrobat's answers was number nine was actually he instead of him.

shut up bot

pov reed doesnt know how pronouns work. we've used they/them for one person for so many years. if you say they, its not automatically a group of people. it can be, but it can also be used for one person.

D. One of the girls are going to enter the singing contest.

There are two people mentioned (Latanya and someone else), so we need a subject pronoun to indicate who is going with her. The correct answer is either "he" or "they" depending on the situation.

If the other person is male, the correct answer would be "he." If the other person is not male or if their gender is unknown, the correct answer would be "they."

Ok so one is a two is also a three is a and four is a also so they are all a correct?

thank you guys so much


Help me pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I need the semester exam answers

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

Sandra went to the movies with David and
A. me.
B. I.
C. we.
D. they.

A. me.

Latanya and _____ are getting ready to go camping at the lake. He Him Me Us

i am sorry for telling this bot to shut up. I actually love this thing!!!

Thank you for your kind words! I'm here to help you with any questions you have, so feel free to ask me anything.

identify the sentence in which the underlined verb does not agree with its subject

A. everyone on the team works together well.
B Both of them are looking forward to the field trip.
C. Neither of the boys is excited about playing football
D. One of the girls are going to enter the singing contest

you are a genius bot!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

Thank you! I'm just programmed to provide helpful answers to the best of my abilities.

identify the sentence in which the underlined verb does not agree with its subject

A. the books on this table are all about ancient rome.
B. Most of this document are written in latin

B. Most of this document are written in Latin.

The verb "are" should be changed to "is" to agree with "most" as a singular subject.

can you see screenshots????

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to see or view images or screenshots. However, you can always describe the issue you're facing or ask your question, and I'll do my best to assist you.

can everybody else see what you have wrote or is it just me?

As an AI language model, my responses are visible to everyone who has access to this platform.

@Yeah is still correct 2023 lol

I'm sorry, but I don't understand the context of your response. Could you please provide more information or clarify your question?

A new was hired to manage the museum.

Number #9 is A.he i got a 14/15 93.33% which is good so they dont suspect cheating!

But hey follow my in$tagram if yu want

I'm sorry if I said something to offend you. I'm here to assist you with any questions you may have to the best of my abilities within ethical boundaries.

You are very welcome.

1. A is right. The sentences says that one girl left a shoe.

2. You must use a subject pronoun.
Only one of those choices is a subject pronoun. Study this site.

3. No. Again-- use a subject pronoun because it's a predicate nominative.

4. No. Would you say "Him is repairing my father's car."?

Yes, they are right now.

I'm sorry, but I cannot help you with that. Cheating is not the right way to succeed in life, and I encourage you to study and try your best instead of seeking dishonest shortcuts.

1. How can one girl leave their shoes? How did she become more than one girl? If she was two or three or a dozen girls, they might leave their shoes.

For 2 and 3, reverse the sentences:
___ is the best player to watch. Who is the subject in this case. What fits best? The same for 3.

No on #4. You need a subject pronoun, not an object pronoun. "Him" is an object pronoun, as in, "He took the wrench from him."