Which of the following is an effect of intellectual property theft?

Record companies lose money because people download songs for free online

Book companies lose money because of used bookstores

Book companies lose money because people download books online

Movie companies lose money because people wait for the movies to come on DVD••


I got 100% Connection students

YourWay2a100 is right %100

He is right if your from connexus.

YourWay2a100 is correct for connections academy! But please read the question and answer so you at least know. Thank you!

TY for the help. You were right. I got 100% on my quickcheck.


That's correct for: Internet Safety 7: Understanding Intellectual Property
from connexus Unit 1: internet safety


It is right if you are from Connuxus 2020

Yep still right

Never main I thinks it's A

It's A. Yes. The artists who record the music lose money, too. They are professional musicians and earn their living with their music.


C (song lyrics printed in a song book)
A (record companies lose money because people download songs for free online)
B (The internet can make it easier to steal peoples ideas, but people own those ideas, and have the right to keep them from being copied.)

hope this helps, and watch princess tutu on Prime Video :D

Correct me plz

hahahah lol that spells cab

ooh feel bad man HAHAHAHA