A car went 60 km in 5/6 of an hour while a second car went 54 km in 2/3 hour. Which car was faster? How many times faster?

The answer is 1.125.

Car A went 60 km in 5/6 of an hour while a car B went 54 km in 2/3 of an hour. Which car was faster? How many times faster?
To find Speed we need to divide Distance by Time.
Speed of car A is 60km ÷ 5/6= 1.2
Speed of car B is 54km ÷ 2/3= 1.35
Car B is faster.

To answer how many times faster we need to divide the Speed of car B by the speed of car A.
1.35 ÷ 1.2= 1.125

The second car went faster then the first car by 1.125!

60km divided by 5/6=1.2
54km divided by 2/3= 1.35
1.35 divided by 1.2..?
That equals...1.125!


Car A went 60 km in 5 6 hour while a car B went 54 km in 2 3 hour. Which car was faster? How many times faster? HALP


the second car

faster by how many times

Please Help! By how much faster did the second car go?

How much faster did the second car go

the second car by x amount

wich car went faster

by how much did faster did the second cr go

Its Rate x Time = Distance

60 x 5/6 = 300/6 = 50km
54 x 2/3 = 108/3 = 36km
1/3 = 18km
1/6 = 10km
The second car went faster
10 x 6 = 60km/per hour
18 x 3 = 54km/per hour
and then idk man

60(1-5/6) = 60(1/6) = 10

60 + 10 = 70

60 km in 5/6 hour = 70km/hr

54(1-2/3) = 54(1/3) = 18

54 + 18 = 72

54km in 2/3 hour = 72km/hr

72/70 = ?