8.)At the outbreak of the Civil War, which of the following states was considered a Free State?





Which one didn't have slavery? Does your text tell which state was which?

To determine which of the following states was considered a Free State at the outbreak of the Civil War, we need to understand the definition of a Free State during that time period. During the Civil War, a Free State referred to a state that did not allow slavery.

We can go through each of the options and see which state fits this criteria:

A) Delaware: Delaware was a slave state during the Civil War, so it is not considered a Free State.

B) Indiana: Indiana was also a Free State at the outbreak of the Civil War, meaning it did not allow slavery.

C) Maryland: Maryland was a border state during the Civil War, meaning it allowed slavery but remained in the Union. Therefore, it is not considered a Free State.

D) Texas: Texas was a Confederate state and allowed slavery, so it is not considered a Free State.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) Indiana.