which two conditions are required for cloud formation?

A) high humidity and warm temperatures.
B) high humidity and cool temperatures.
C) warm temperatures and the presence of particles.
D) cool temperatures and the presence of particles.

Is there a link I can find that explains this? Because I don't think any of these answers make much sense.



Promise these are right! Have great day!

It's D, correct?

D, is the correct answer

Alice needs help is right. C, D, A, A are the answers. Thanks

So d is the correct answer?


1. c-fair weather
2. d-cool temperatures and the presence of particles
3. a-cirrus and cumulus
4. a-water vapor in the cool air condenses into tiny droplets of water, forming clouds.

Thx Guys

D is correct

Tell me answer pls

Lol, she never posted answers!


Thank you

Thanks again

It is 25 days later! I WILL actually post the answers, one second!

thanks i am home schol which it sucks and i useto go hsap.

i'll post the answers when i finish! :)

Does this kid know how to speel