Gerry and Jane play a trivia game. Gerry's score is -17 and Jane score is -24. What is the difference between Gerry's score and Jane's score?

what is the difference between 6 and 10?

How did you find it?

Do the same step with the numbers above

recall how to subtract negative numbers:

10 - (-5) = 10+5 = 15

Gerry score is greater

To find the difference between Gerry's score (-17) and Jane's score (-24), you need to subtract Gerry's score from Jane's score.

The difference can be calculated as:
Difference = Jane's score - Gerry's score

Substituting the given values:
Difference = (-24) - (-17)

To subtract a negative number, you change the sign to positive, so the expression becomes:
Difference = -24 + 17

Now you can add the numbers:
Difference = -7

Therefore, the difference between Gerry's score and Jane's score is -7.