1) -/-3/____ -3

//= what's the absulute value of.
In the blank either put < or >!

2) In three plays, a football team gains 11 yd, loses 18 yd, and gamins 3 yd. Write and evaluate an addition expression to model the situation.

[please explain how you got each question cause i am confused. It is advanced math]

1)the absolute value is 1/3 which is >3.

which means that the team totally loses 4 yards.

I have a LOT of trouble With my adding taxes and sales


1) To find the absolute value, we need to consider the signs of the numbers. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line, so it is always positive.

In this case, the expression is -/-3/____ -3. We have two dashes before the 3, indicating that we are looking for the absolute value of -3.

To evaluate this, we simply remove the negative sign and write the positive value, which is 3. Thus, the absolute value of -3 is 3.

Now, let's consider the blank space. We have -/-3/____ -3. Since we have already determined that the absolute value of -3 is 3, we can substitute that value into the expression: -/3/____ -3.

To determine whether the blank should be filled in with "<" or ">", we need to think about the comparison between 3 and -3.

Since -3 is less than 3 (3 > -3), we can conclude that the blank should be filled with ">".

2) In this problem, we are given three different plays by a football team: a gain of 11 yards, a loss of 18 yards, and another gain of 3 yards.

To model this situation with addition, we need to add these yardages together.

The addition expression for this situation is: 11 + (-18) + 3.

To evaluate this expression, we simply add the numbers together: 11 + (-18) + 3 = -4.

Therefore, the football team's net yardage after the three plays is -4 yards.