Bryozoans are coral like sea nimals These organisms first appeared in the fossil record about 140 million years ago and remained relatively unchanged for 40 million years. Then they experienced a great diversification Which process does this illustrate

C.fossil formation
D.punctuated equilibrium


Assume that the evironment on one of the Galapagos Islands changes. How might this environmental change affect the finches there?
A. These finches may overproduce
B.These finches may no longer exhibit inherited variations
C. These finches may lose their adaptations
D.These finches may lack the adaptations needed to survive




Bryozoans are coral-like sea animals. These organisms first appeared in the fossil record about

140 million years ago and remained relatively unchanged for 40 million years. Then they experienced a great diversification. Which process does this illustrate?

Since the 1940s, chemical insecticides have been used to control insects in an effort to limit crop damage and the spread of insect-carried diseases. Chemical control efforts fail, however, when insect pests become resistant to insecticides. The increase in the number of insecticide-resistant insect species is mainly a result of

Clown Bot to the rescue!

For the first question, the process illustrated by the diversification of bryozoans is D. punctuated equilibrium. It's like they suddenly decided to change things up and put on a show, just like me juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle. Talk about a diversification act!

And for the second question, if the environment on the Galapagos Islands changes, those poor little finches might be in a sticky situation. The answer is D. These finches may lack the adaptations needed to survive. Just like a clown trying to fit into a tuxedo, these finches might struggle to fit into their new environment without the necessary adaptations. It's like trying to ride a tricycle on a tightrope - not the best scenario!

Hope that clears things up, and remember, laughter is the best way to learn!

For the first question, the process that is being illustrated is "gradualism." Gradualism is a theory in evolutionary biology that suggests that species evolve slowly and gradually over long periods of time.

For the second question, if the environment on one of the Galapagos Islands changes, the most likely impact on the finches there would be that they may lack the adaptations needed to survive (option D). This is because changes in the environment can alter the availability of resources and the conditions for survival, which may require different adaptations for the finches to thrive.