1. Nosotros _____ tarde para las vacaciones.

a. sali
b. saliste
c. salio
d. salimos***

2. _____ tu al supermercado?

a. Fui
b. Fuiste***
c. Fue
d. Fueron

3. In the following sentence, which direct object requires the personal a?

Vi _____

a. el tren
b. el monumento
c. la amiga de mi mama***
d. el barco

1. C

2. D
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. B

1. C

2. D
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
answers for unit 7 lesson 5

everything is correct from DeFAced_TEAR$ except number 10 is b. im a different person from defaced i promise. go get yourselves a 100. and if you get the wrong answers it might be because they changed them but those answers are for 2019 rn


There is an 8 in the b's

Unit 7 lesson 5 (Repaso de Mis vacaciones quiz)

1 Which expression would you use to ask your friend what happened to him or her: C, que te paso

2 Nosotros______ tarde para las vacaciones: D, salimos

3 Which type of Dominican amber is rarest: C, blue

4 There is a replica of which famous statue at the top of Pico Isabel de Torres in Puerto Plata: A, Christ the redeemer

5 Vi______: C, la amiga de mi mama

6 ?_______ tu al supermercado? : B, Fuiste

7 How would you say "the ticket" in Spanish: A, el boleto

8 Which statement about Dominican amber is not true: D, Amber comes in only one color

9 Which of the following is not a form of transportation: A, el mono

10 What was one of Salome Urena's principal causes? : B, Education for women

lmao what i just noticed that B is at the bottom of your keyboard and 8 is at the top....you put it there on purpose didnt you

2021, unit 7 lesson 5 repaso de mis vacaciones 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B Good luck! "I have been falling, for 30 MINUTES!"


yall in 2020 10 is b TRUST ME

yur mom whatever is right, 10 is b!!