identify your human rights violation or discrimination and explain in and indroductory paragraph why you choose the specific human rights violation or discrimination .critically discuss six ways tha the human rights violation influences individuals groups and the broader south african community.

Which violation did you identify?

I don't know what to do it

Equality,freedom and security and right to life

This is your assignment. You have to write it. We'll be glad to critique it for you. If you have specific questions about it, please ask them and we can try to help.

gang violence, child abuse and child labour

ways that human rightr violation influence individuals?

ways in which human trafficking influence individuals or community

Human trafficking


Abuse human right

they must have self confidence

Assaulting,sexual assault and are serious social and public health issues

Why you choose the specific human rights violation

Gang violence.child abuse

Killing someone,forcing a young girl to get married,posting private photos of someone who is naked

I don't know the answer

Why did you choose the specific human right violation?

Life orientation research

1.human rights violation discrimination


discuss six ways that the human rights violations influences individuals,group and the broader south African community

1.They get lose on their belongings.2they suffere emotionally.3they lose interest in the issue of what they are based on

It makes individuals have low self-esteem