Carlos and Krystal are taking a road trip from Greenville to North Valley.Each has their own map,and the scales on their maps are different.

A. On Carlos's map,Greenville and North Valley are 4.5 inches apart. The scale on his map is 1 inch = 20 miles. How far is Greenville from North Valley?

B.The scale on Krystal's map is 1 inch = 18 miles. How far apart are Greenville and North Valley on Krystal's map?

A. 20 * 4.5 = 90 miles

B. 90/18 = _______ inches

To find the distance between Greenville and North Valley on Carlos's map, you need to use the scale provided on his map.

A. The scale on Carlos's map is 1 inch = 20 miles. This means that for every 1 inch on Carlos's map, the actual distance in real life is 20 miles.
Carlos's map shows Greenville and North Valley as 4.5 inches apart. To find the distance between Greenville and North Valley in real life, you need to multiply the number of inches on the map by the scale factor.
So, 4.5 inches on Carlos's map multiplied by the scale factor of 20 miles per inch gives you a distance of 90 miles.
Therefore, according to Carlos's map, Greenville and North Valley are 90 miles apart.

Now let's move on to Krystal's map.

B. The scale on Krystal's map is 1 inch = 18 miles. So, for every 1 inch on Krystal's map, the actual distance in real life is 18 miles.
We don't have the number of inches that represent the distance between Greenville and North Valley on Krystal's map, but we can use the information from Carlos's map to calculate it.
We found that on Carlos's map, Greenville and North Valley are 4.5 inches apart.
Now, all we need to do is use the ratio of the scales between Carlos's and Krystal's map to find the equivalent distance on Krystal's map.
The ratio between the two scales is 20 miles (Carlos's scale) to 18 miles (Krystal's scale), which simplifies to 10/9.
So, to find the equivalent distance on Krystal's map, you multiply the distance on Carlos's map (90 miles) by the ratio 10/9.
Doing the math, (90 miles) * (10/9) gives you approximately 100 miles.
Therefore, according to Krystal's map, Greenville and North Valley are approximately 100 miles apart.