Multiply. (x+2)(x-2)

my answer is: x^2-4

Factor completely. 3(x-2)^2-3(x-2)-6

MY answer: 3(x-4)(x-1)

Factor 9x(x-7y)-6(x-7y)

My answer is: (9x-6)(x-7y)

Divide: (x^3+2x^2+x+12)/(x+3)

My anwer is: x^2-x+4

Looks OK!

Let's check your answers one by one:

1. To multiply (x+2)(x-2), you can use the FOIL method, which stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last. Multiply the terms in the first parentheses with the terms in the second parentheses:

First: x * x = x^2
Outer: x * -2 = -2x
Inner: 2 * x = 2x
Last: 2 * -2 = -4

Now, combine the like terms -2x and 2x to simplify the expression:

x^2 - 2x + 2x - 4

The terms -2x and 2x cancel each other out, leaving us with:

x^2 - 4

So, your answer of x^2 - 4 is correct.

2. To factor 3(x-2)^2-3(x-2)-6, we can notice that there is a common factor of (x-2) in all three terms. By factoring that out, we get:

3(x-2)((x-2) - 1) - 6

Simplifying further:

3(x-2)(x-2 - 1) - 6

3(x-2)(x-3) - 6

So, your answer of 3(x-4)(x-1) is incorrect. The correct factored form is 3(x-2)(x-3) - 6.

3. To factor 9x(x-7y)-6(x-7y), we can notice that there is a common factor of (x-7y) in both terms. By factoring that out, we get:

(x-7y)(9x - 6)

So, your answer of (9x-6)(x-7y) is correct.

4. To divide (x^3+2x^2+x+12) by (x+3), you can use long division or synthetic division. Let's use long division:

x+3 │ x^3 + 2x^2 + x + 12

By dividing x^3 by x, we get x^2. Then, we multiply x+3 by x^2 to get x^3 + 3x^2. Subtracting that from the original equation:

x^2 + x + 12
x+3 │ x^3 + 2x^2 + x + 12
- (x^3 + 3x^2)
- x^2 + x

By dividing -x^2 by x, we get -x. Then, we multiply x+3 by -x to get -x^2 - 3x. Subtracting that from the previous step:

- x + 12
x+3 │ x^3 + 2x^2 + x + 12
- (x^3 + 3x^2)
- x^2 + x
- (-x^2 - 3x)
4x + 12

By dividing 4x by x, we get 4. Then, we multiply x+3 by 4 to get 4x + 12. Subtracting that from the previous step:

x+3 │ x^3 + 2x^2 + x + 12
- (x^3 + 3x^2)
- x^2 + x
- (-x^2 - 3x)
4x + 12
- (4x + 12)

Since the remainder is zero, we have successfully divided the expression. The quotient is x^2 - x + 4.

So, your answer of x^2 - x + 4 is correct.

Great job on most of your answers! If you have any more questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask!