A DVD store charges $4.70 for each day, d, a DVD is rented. The store also gives you a dollar off it the DVD is returned before 5 days.

a. Write a rule to represent the rental charges C.
b. How much will you pay if you return the dvd after 4 days? 7 days?



correct is 100% correct for connexus students!

thank you yes thank you CORRECT

a. C = 4.70d.

b. C = 4.70d - 1 = 4.70*4 - 1 = $17.80.

C = 4.70*7 = $32.90.

What's the awnser? I'm having so much trouble on this question

a. To write a rule to represent the rental charges C for a DVD rented for d days, we first need to consider that the charge per day is $4.70.

If the DVD is returned before 5 days, you get a $1 discount. So, the total rental charge is calculated as follows:
C = (charge per day x number of days) - (discount if applicable)

Therefore, the rule to represent the rental charges C is:
C = (4.70 x d) - (1 if d < 5, else 0)

b. To calculate how much you will pay if you return the DVD after 4 days, we substitute d = 4 into the above rule:

C = (4.70 x 4) - (1 if 4 < 5, else 0)
C = 18.80 - 1
C = $17.80

Therefore, you will pay $17.80 if you return the DVD after 4 days.

To calculate how much you will pay if you return the DVD after 7 days, we substitute d = 7 into the same rule:

C = (4.70 x 7) - (1 if 7 < 5, else 0)
C = 32.90 - 0
C = $32.90

Therefore, you will pay $32.90 if you return the DVD after 7 days.