Around ten to twelve thousand years ago, human began to domesticate plants and animals for food. Before this first agricultural revolution, people relied on hunting and gathering to obtain food supplies. While there are still groups of hunters and gatherers in the world, most societies have switched to agriculture. The beginnings of agriculture did not just occur in one place but appeared almost simultaneously around the world, possibly through trail and error with different plants and animals or by long term experimentation. Between the first agricultural revolution thousands of years ago and the 17th century, agriculture remained pretty much the same.

In the seventeenth century, a second agricultural revolution took place which increased efficiency of production as well as distribution which allowed more people to move to the cities as the industrial revolution got under way. The eighteenth century's European colonies became sources of raw agricultural and mineral products for the industrializing nations.
Now, many of the countries which were once colonies of Europe, especially those in Central America, are still heavily involved in the same types of agricultural production as they were hundreds of years ago. Farming in the twentieth century has become highly technological in more developed nations with geographical technologies like GIS, GPS, and remote sensing while less developed nations continue with practices which are similar to those developed after the first agricultural revolution, thousands of years ago.

About 45% of the world's population makes their living through agriculture. The proportion of the population involved in agriculture ranges from about 2% in the United States to about 80% in some parts of Asia and Africa. There are two types of agriculture, subsistence and commercial.

There are millions of subsistence farmers in the world, those who produce only enough crops to feed their families.

Many subsistence farmers use the slash and burn or swidden agricultural method. Swidden is a technique used by about 150 to 200 million people, and is especially prevalent in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. A portion of land is cleared and burned to provide at least one and up to three years of good crops for that portion of land. Once the land can no longer be utilized, a new patch of ground is slashed and burnt for another round of crops. Swidden is not a neat or well-organized method of agricultural production by it is effective for farmers who don't know much about irrigation, soil, and fertilization.

The second type of agriculture is commercial agriculture, where the primary purpose is to sell one's product at market. This takes place throughout the world and includes major fruit plantations in Central America as well as huge agribusiness wheat farms in the Midwestern United States.

Geographers commonly identify two major "belts" of crops in the U.S. The wheat belt is identified as crossing the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Corn, which is primarily grown to feed livestock, reaches from southern Minnesota, across Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.

J.H. Von Thunen developed a model in 1826 (which wasn't translated into English until 1966) for the agricultural use of land. It has been utilized by geographers since that time. His theory stated that the more perishable and heavier products would be grown closer to urban areas. By looking at the crops grown within metropolitan areas in the U.S., we can see that his theory still holds true. It is very common for perishable vegetables and fruits to be grown within metropolitan areas while less-perishable grain is predominantly produced in non-metropolitan counties.

Agriculture uses about a third of the land on the planet and occupies the lives of about two and a half billion people. It's important to understand where our food comes from.

When did agriculture really revolutionzie into what it is today

Was it second revolution?

Yes, you're right.

How does agricultural technology vary across the world?

There are two types subsistence and commercial. Many farmers use the subsistence type and commercial llagriculture is used in the US and Central America

Right, again.

Agriculture has been evolving and changing throughout history, with various revolutions and advancements contributing to its development. The transition to modern agriculture can be seen as a cumulative process rather than a single moment in time. However, several key periods mark significant changes in agricultural practices that have shaped it into what it is today.

One of the major turning points in agriculture was the Agricultural Revolution, also known as the Neolithic Revolution, which began around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. During this time, humans transitioned from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities. This revolution involved the domestication of plants and animals and the development of new agricultural techniques, such as plant cultivation and animal husbandry. This transformation allowed for a more stable and reliable food supply, leading to the growth of human populations and the establishment of permanent settlements.

For thousands of years following the initial agricultural revolution, agriculture remained relatively unchanged and mainly relied on traditional farming methods. However, a second agricultural revolution occurred in the 17th century, coinciding with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. This revolution involved significant advancements in agricultural technology, such as the use of improved seed varieties, crop rotation, and mechanized farming equipment. These developments increased agricultural productivity and efficiency, allowing for larger-scale farming operations and the ability to produce surplus food. The second agricultural revolution also facilitated the growth of urban centers as more people could be fed with fewer farmers, which was crucial for the industrialization of societies.

In the 20th century, agriculture underwent another transformative phase with the Green Revolution. This revolution occurred from the 1940s to the 1960s and brought about significant advancements in crop science, including the development and widespread adoption of high-yielding crop varieties, the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and improved irrigation techniques. These innovations aimed to increase food production and alleviate global hunger. The Green Revolution had a profound impact on agricultural productivity, particularly in developing countries, but also raised concerns about sustainability, environmental impact, and social implications.

In recent decades, advancements in technology and agricultural practices have continued to shape modern agriculture. Precision agriculture, for example, utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and remote sensing to optimize farming practices, such as site-specific crop management, efficient water usage, and precise application of inputs. The integration of biotechnology, genetically modified crops, and sustainable farming practices has also played a role in improving productivity, reducing environmental impact, and addressing the challenges of a growing global population.

Overall, the evolution of agriculture into what it is today has been a gradual and ongoing process. It has been influenced by various revolutions, advancements in technology, and shifts in societal needs and priorities. Agriculture continues to adapt and innovate to meet the demands of the present while also addressing sustainability and food security concerns for the future.