A pair of jeans was on sale −15% off the price, but when Bill came to buy them a month later the sale was over and he had to pay the regular price of $170. How much money did Bill lose?

0.15 * 170 = ?

The answer is 25.50


To calculate how much money Bill lost, we need to find out the original price of the jeans before the 15% discount. We can use the given information about the discount and the final price to determine the original price.

Let's follow the steps to find the original price:

Step 1: Determine the difference between the regular price and the discounted price.
Since the discount is 15% off the original price, it means that the discounted price is 100% - 15% = 85% of the original price.

Step 2: Calculate the discounted price.
To find the discounted price, multiply the regular price by the percentage left, which is 85% (0.85 in decimal form):
Discounted price = 0.85 * $170 = $144.50

Step 3: Calculate the difference between the regular price and the discounted price.
Bill had to pay the regular price ($170), which is $170 - $144.50 = $25.50 more than the discounted price.

Therefore, Bill lost $25.50 by not buying the jeans while they were on sale.