The wheel of a unicycle has a radius of 14 inches. What is the approximate circumference of the wheel.

Ms. Sue is hella sus yo

Be nice

you guys really need to show some respect at least she tries and doesn't ignore us :)

C = pi * 2r

wow that's not nice

I like berds

Ms.Sue is correct you multiply pi(3.14) by 2 that will get you 6.28 and then you round down to 5

bro stop trash talking about Mrs. Sue she died in 2019

idc she is useless no cap stop math what name is that anyway

The answers to the whole quick check is 1. 4 cm 2. 132 ft 3. 16 cm 4. 18 in 5. 88 in

I promise with all my heat that this will get you 100%!!!!!!!!

dear ms.sue you are no help please start being usefull