5. what is nativism?

the partriotism that led to the americas success in ww1

the belief in the importance of rights for native americans

the anti immagrant feeling that prevailed during 1920s

the strenghthening of national military prowess

im not sure on this if someone could help me that will be alot thanks

Type nativism into the Google search box.

thank you so much this one had stubbed me thanks

hi ms.sue may u help me with a question

what lol i just had daja vou

someone just answerd me with the same question then when i went to say thanks it showed up that u answerd me ms sue lol

type nativism into da search box

i tried it didn't work


oh lol


so is it c?

Yes, it's C

yup i got 100% on my quiz thanks for helping me check my question

You're welcome.