find the slope of the line that goes through the following points (0,-4),(1,-3),(2,-2),(3,-1)

a.) -1
c.) -4
d.) -7

slope between the first two points

= (-3+4)/(1-0) = 1

checking for a second pair, 1st and last
slope = (-1+4)/(3-0) = 1

I will let you check that the other 4 combinations yield the same slope of 1

To find the slope of a line that goes through two points, we can use the formula:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Let's calculate the slope using the given set of points, (0,-4) and (1,-3):

m = (-3 - (-4)) / (1 - 0)
= (-3 + 4) / (1)
= 1 / 1
= 1

Therefore, the slope of the line that goes through the points (0,-4) and (1,-3) is 1.

Now let's check the other points to see if the slope remains the same.

For the points (1,-3) and (2,-2):

m = (-2 - (-3)) / (2 - 1)
= (-2 + 3) / (1)
= 1 / 1
= 1

For the points (2,-2) and (3,-1):

m = (-1 - (-2)) / (3 - 2)
= (-1 + 2) / (1)
= 1 / 1
= 1

Since we obtained the same slope of 1 for all the pairs of points, the answer is:

b.) 1