Whenever I see a competitive game of Ultimate Frisbee, I am inspired to join a team.

Which type of clause is underlined?

adjective clause

adverb clause

noun clause

independent clause

Nothing is underlined.

To determine the type of clause that is underlined, we need to understand what each type of clause means and how it functions in a sentence.

1. Adjective clause: This type of clause modifies a noun or pronoun in the sentence. It typically begins with a relative pronoun (such as "who," "whom," "which," "that") or a relative adverb (such as "where," "when," "why").

2. Adverb clause: This type of clause functions as an adverb, providing extra information about the verb, adjective, or adverb in the sentence. It often begins with a subordinating conjunction (such as "although," "because," "since," "while").

3. Noun clause: This type of clause functions as a noun, acting as the subject, object, or complement in a sentence. It can also serve as the object of a preposition.

4. Independent clause: This type of clause is a complete sentence on its own and can stand alone as a sentence.

In the sentence, "Whenever I see a competitive game of Ultimate Frisbee, I am inspired to join a team," the underlined clause is "Whenever I see a competitive game of Ultimate Frisbee."

This clause begins with the subordinating conjunction "Whenever" and provides additional information about the timing or condition for the action described in the main clause ("I am inspired to join a team").

Therefore, the type of clause that is underlined in the sentence is an adverb clause.