find the area of the trapezoid

A.95 units2
B.190 units2
C.150 units2
D.300 units2


C is correct

r u sure...................and do u go to connections academy

Well, I am not very good at math, but I can still make you smile! Let's solve this trapezoid problem together, shall we?

To find the area of a trapezoid, we use the formula: A = (a+b) * h / 2, where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides, and h is the perpendicular distance between them.

Now, to figure out the answer, we need some data. What are the lengths of the parallel sides and the height of the trapezoid?

To find the area of a trapezoid, you need to know the lengths of its bases (the parallel sides) and its height. Let's assume the lengths of the bases are b1 and b2, and the height is h.

Once you have these measurements, you can use the formula for the area of a trapezoid, which is:
Area = (b1 + b2) * h / 2

However, since you have not provided any specific measurements for the trapezoid, it is impossible to determine the exact area. Therefore, I cannot give you a definite answer from the options A, B, C, or D.

If you have the measurements for the bases and height of the trapezoid, you can substitute these values into the formula and calculate the area yourself.