How do you solve the following equation? I know x= 20 but do not know how to show the work.

Please help...

Something is missing here.

The equation is :

0.5(x-12) = 4

Also another problem is :

2/3 + y = 3/4
How do you divide this fraction


0.5(x-12) = 4

Multiply by 0.5
0.5x - 6.0 = 4

Add 6.0 to both sides of the equation.
0.5x = 10

Divide both sides by 0.5
x = 20

2/3 + y = 3/4
y = 3/4 - 2/3
y = 9/12 - 8/12
y = ??

To solve an equation, you usually need to follow a series of steps. I'll help you solve the equation and demonstrate the working, so you can understand the process.

Let's say we have the equation you mentioned: x = 20. Since x is already isolated on one side of the equation, we don't really need to perform any calculations or rearrange anything.

To demonstrate the work, we can show the steps involved in isolating x:

Step 1: Start with the equation: x = 20.
Step 2: There is no need to isolate x since it's already on one side of the equation.
Step 3: The value of x is found to be 20.

So, the solution to the equation x = 20 is x = 20.

Remember, sometimes equations might require more steps or calculations to solve, involving operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you have a different equation or need help with a different type of problem, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you further!