Which of the choices below is one of the themes of Romeo and Juliet?

Love conquers hate
Love must follow law
Love can change fate

I'm going to go with c, but I'm not sure. Thanks

its A just took the QC

The answer is A. FPC was right. I just finished the Quick Check. ... I wasn't sure between A or C either. That was not a very good question as both answers are in some way part of the theme

the answer is A. though both A&C make sense. but i took the quick check and it was A: love conquers hate.

The answer is A because in the book love does not change there fate because they both end up dying but there love conquers the hate of the two families and stops the feud.


It is ABA, even though it might not seem like it. 3) Is A

A is right

Also I just took the QC and A was correct.

@ INCC student ur 100% Correct

Who got it right? Is it c or a?

I agree, c.

The answer was C.