I have this on an assignment.

Round to the nearest tenth

35/12= 2.916666667

Would it be 2.9 or 3.0 ?

see, if you rounded to the nearest whole number it would
be 3

are you positive it would be 2.9 and
not 3.0?


The question says to round to the nearest tenth, so 2.9 is correct.


if something cost $4.17 and serves 7 meals .if you round to the nearest cent what would be the cost of serving

To round to the nearest tenth, you look at the digit in the hundredths place (in this case, the 6 in 2.916666667).

If the digit in the hundredths place is 5 or greater, you round the digit in the tenths place up by one. In this case, the digit in the tenths place is 1, so it remains 1.

So, when you round 2.916666667 to the nearest tenth, you get 2.9.

If the digit in the hundredths place is less than 5, you simply drop the digit in the hundredths place and leave the digit in the tenths place as it is.