A map's key shows that every of 5 inches on the map represents 200 miles of actual distance. Suppose the distance between two cities on the map is 7 inches. What is the actual distance between the two cities? Write the rule you used to find the actual distance.

i am confused

Bro, I bet you asked this because it was on your homework.

Multiply the map distance by 40. Answer: 280

Rule: Multiply the maps distance by 40

Just divide 200 by 5 and what ever you get multiply that by 7.

Guys i can't figure this out please tell me how to do this with Numerical patterns 5th grade.

a map key shows that every 5 Inches on the map represents 200 miles of actual distance. Suppose the distance between two cities on 7 inches. What is the actual distance between the two cities? Numerical patterns

Just divide 200 by 5 and then get 40 and multiply 40 by 7 and get 280.

280 miles

Multiply by 40

Make a proportion out of it and cross multiply.

so, 5/200=7/×. Cross multiply, you get 5x=1400, ×=280.

thanks you

i got a , a+
