ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. Show that vecotr AB+AC+AD+EA+FA=4AB

i dont know answer so i m asking you the answer

i dont know how to do so please ,,,,do it and post


To prove that the sum of vector AB, AC, AD, EA, and FA is equal to 4 times vector AB in a regular hexagon ABCDEF, we need to use some properties of regular polygons and vector addition.

First, let's label the vertices of the hexagon in a clockwise direction as A, B, C, D, E, and F.

We will start by focusing on vector AB. Since ABCDEF is a regular hexagon, all the sides are of equal length, and the angles between adjacent sides are also equal. Therefore, we can say that the magnitude of vector AB is the same as the magnitude of vector BC, which is equal to the magnitude of vector CD. We can extend this same reasoning to all the sides of the hexagon.

Now let's break down each vector and express it in terms of vector AB:

Vector AC: In the regular hexagon, angle BAC is equal to angle CBA, and angle CAB is equal to angle ACB. Therefore, vector AC can be written as -AB (opposite direction of AB).

Vector AD: In the regular hexagon, angle BAD is equal to angle ADB, and angle ABD is equal to angle ADB. Therefore, vector AD can be written as -2AB (opposite direction and double the length of AB).

Vector EA: Since AB + AE = BE, we can express vector EA as -BE. Since the hexagon is regular, angle EBA is equal to angle ABE. Therefore, vector BE can be written as -AB. So, vector EA can be written as -(-AB) which is equal to AB.

Vector FA: Similar to vector EA, we can write vector FA as AB using the same logic.

Now let's sum up all the vectors:

AB + AC + AD + EA + FA = AB + (-AB) + (-2AB) + AB + AB

Simplifying this expression, we have:

AB - AB - 2AB + AB + AB

The -AB and AB terms cancel out, leaving us with:

-2AB + AB + AB

Finally, combining like terms, we get:

-2AB + 2AB

The -2AB and 2AB also cancel out, resulting in:


Therefore, the sum of vector AB, AC, AD, EA, and FA is equal to 0, not 4AB.

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