Some constellations, such as Ursa Minor, are visible in the sky year-round; other constellations appear for only part of the year. Explain why this happens.

I've been trying to figure it out but I can't please help me!

you guys are so mean someone asking for a little help you guys have a lot of nerve.

While most constellations are only visible to us in different seasons, some are always there 24/7/365 because they are positioned close to the Polar Axis, or the Polaris.

Everyone please just give an answer! Stop arguing, This is getting really annoying. All I see on this sight is people fighting and calling people names.

If you notice that this question from a school program then why are YOU here. I'm pretty sure people don't just come here to chat with other people. I'm just saying that it is weird to see that someone is on here but says they aren't.

My goodness, such immaturity and disrespect. To those who forgot, this is the internet, and your opinions don’t matter. This is a website to check answers or get help from teachers. Not a chatting website.

yeah i agree

hi and dragon g you are right I cant even get my answers homeschooling is new to me and I am lost I found this website thinking that it would help but it is making things worse i am lit crying rn

Im in connections and i recognize this!

Lets try to get off of our period guys!


9.Some stars follow our orbit, and some stay in the same position forever.

Your here u stupid as bench

10. A star begins its life in a nebula, or area of gas and dust in space. The gas and dust come together to form a protostar, which gets very hot until it turns into a main sequence star. This stage is when nuclear reactions occur and the star glows, and it can last billions of years.

Yeah, I've done connections b4, and I recognize the questions.

You're all hereto either cheat or check you answers, either way it's not a reason to fight.

-Bakugo, who came here to cheat

Jikisha troll, well we aren't little teachers pets like you. teachers pet make sure they do good, and they annoy the whole class because they do everything write, while the class cheats. So what mind your dang business, little teachers pet. Just keep doing your best for your teacher, doing ll and not getting a hcv, because your doing exactly what she wants you to do

I want to die!

Do y you know how to say comebacks

What is wrong with you people?

Tbh, we're all dumb but that's okay because we have the internet.

these comments are getting out of hand.. oof

what would question 9 be i got everything else

Y’all are old whos old

same, connexus question, but hy we can help but try and do it yourself?


Zeriku-Sama I can tell by your lack of grammar/spelling that you put into your response that you are no younger than the age of 14. I would suggest you get off this site and read from the resources your school program is giving you.

Cheater, cheater pumpkin eaters! Why is it so hard to attend LL or read the Connexus lessons. Hope you all get HCV from your teachers

you got some nerve to put a connexus question on here